Monday, June 13, 2016

Crawling Milestone Reached @ 5 months 3 weeks old

So last week, for a period of 3-4 days, AJ went through an extremely fussy phase. Up until this stage he would sleep from 9pm to 3am, wake to feed and back to sleep immediately till about 7am.

In this fussy period, he would only finally fall asleep at around 11pm to 12 am (after 2 hours of non stop fussing) only to wake up screaming bloody murder one hour later; needing to be rocked back to sleep; then waking up again within the hour screaming bloody murder again. This went on for 4 days and at a time when John and I both fell sick. So by the end of it, we were so exhausted.

I didn't realise we were actually experience his 6 month growth spurt at the time.  All I wanted was for it to end!  Miraculously by the 5th day, things went back to normal and at the same time he started crawling! Army crawling to be precise.

So, at 5 months and 3 weeks old, our dearest baby boy has started to crawl :)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

"6 month Sleep Regression"

AJ's 6 month old Sleep Regression came when he was just 5.5 months old - and it reared it's ugly little head at the most inappropriate time (I mean, when it is ever an appropriate time for a sleep regression anyway?!)

By that I mean, it came the very day I fell sick with a high fever, tonsilitis and had to manage an inflamed tendon (tendonitis).
It will still lurking around as an evil entity when John fell equally sick with a very high fever. Just when you thought things couldnt get ANY worse, my period decided to make its appearance, coupled with the sickness & the immense stress ive been feeling the last week or so, my milk supply took a huge dip.

So by day 3 of the regression, it was us 2 extremely exhausted, wearied and broken bodies with a fussy, screaming baby who simply won't settle down (even with boob!) or go to bed.

And then, magically, by day 4 he was sleeping well again (by about 4 months old he'd been sleeping from 8-9pm to 2-4am feed then back to sleep for another 3-4 hours).

My milk supply is slowly creeping back up but it is during this time that I've finally properly appreciated my freezer milk stash. Before this, the bags were sitting untouched and I actually thought I would've to throw them all away because we are moving to brissy in a month's time (permanent move) & will not ship them over because of the amount of trouble it will take plus I have already established a good milk supply and AJ will be starting solids by the time we are in brissy anyway.

So as I'm typing this it's day 5, 1020pm and he's sound asleep in his cot. I'd better use this time to catch up on some sleep!