Monday, July 18, 2016

6 Months Postpartum : The Magical Month

6 months postpartum and things are really starting to fall back into place. Why? You may ask. Well here's why..

1. My postpartum hair loss comes to a halt.

Seriously, I struggled with this from month 3 onwards and was so worried that the bald patch at the side of my head going backwards from my hairline would be permanent. 6 months on.. It is miraculously growing back at an incredibly fast rate.

2. I've finally lost the stubborn 2.5 kgs.

This happened literally overnight. I woke up one morning, weight myself and found that I was 2.5kgs lighter. This could have coincidentally been a result of the stress I've been experiencing organising the move to Brisbane. Nonetheless, once I'd hit 6 months PP, the last stubborn 2.5kgs dropped off just like that *snap fingers*

3. I now have a flat  (relatively) tummy.

What they said is true - your body will never be the same again once you've carried a baby. And don't get me wrong. I think the female body is an amazing apparatus in many aspects and one of them is the ability to carry and grow a whole human for 9 months. Imagine the amount of work your body has to put in to sustain not just 1 but 2 lives and still keep on functioning on a daily basis.

After I gave birth, it took at least 10 weeks for me to feel even slightly normal again. I plateau-ed at 3 months (despite exercising from week 6 onwards) and only managed to lose the remainder of the weight from 4.5 months onwards.  At 6 months,  like I mentioned above I lost the remaining 2.5kgs and that came with a flatter stomach. I know I'll never get the same super flat tummy I was so proud of pre-pregnancy, but ill never be more proud of the fact that I gave birth to nothing short of a miracle.

So if you haven't hit the 6 month postpartum yet and are thinking of giving up altogether, don't lose faith.
What helped me the most was keeping a positive mindset, focusing on looking after my baby and at the same time eating healthy and taking time out every week to maintain an exercise regime.

Trust me, keep this up and you WILL eventually feel like a million bucks again. 


Starting on Solids

We started AJ on mashed avocado mixed with breastmilk when he turned 6 months old. He hated it.
The next week we went to brisbane and came back with 2 pouches of commercial pureed food with no added sugars or preservatives of course!
He loves the banana and apple rice porridge as well as the mango and blueberries puree.

Once we settle into our permanent home and get a high chair, I can't wait to start him in pureed vegetables! 

The move was nothing short of a fun headache. How ironic, right? It was fun interacting with all sorts of people during the selling process & also during the time when the movers came to help pack our belongings into 2m3 boxes - that efficiency was something else!

To say that we were stressed out in the last week before the big move would be an understatement. I'm glad that part is over.. now our biggest headache is getting a house and a car. We are looking at small SUV options since we have a kiddo now. I miss driving a jazz though and can't wait to get my own little car once I get back into the work/office grind. 

For now I could do without it.