This month AJ has been pulling himself up and cruising along furniture much more often and with a lot more confidence!
At 11.5 months he's finally been able to stack the IKEA wood rings toy we bought him when he was 7 months old. It's amazing watching him grow.
He's trying to walk but still needs that bit more practice. I feel like by his first birthday he'd take his first steps!
He's much more responsive leading up to his first birthday, we hear him babbling and trying to say his own name these days. Sometimes he laughs when we laugh and he tries to imitate our words (simple ones of course). He adores his papa and is always so happy when he's home. Every time a tune comes on (could be from anywhere - TV commercial, music from my laptop or daddy belting out a tune etc) he stops everything and starts dancing and shaking his bum to the beat. You can tell, he will love music. :-)
There's this particular soprano/opera-sounding commercial that he just LOVES. When that ad comes on, he literally stops doing anything he's busy at, and stares at the TV until the commercial ends.
In terms of his diet, breastfeeding is still his main source of food and comfort.
His solids are mainly veggies and fruits, with the occasional meat and tofu. He hates pureed chicken, we figure it's because it's not sweet like the veggies and fruits he love! His all - time favourite foods are banana, blueberries, apples, carrots, zucchini and sweet potato.
In terms of sleep, he's still waking up 2-3 times at night ever since we moved here to brissy almost 5 months ago. Both his parents are exhausted but at the same time, have kind of gotten used to the exhaustion. We are going to move him to his room soon (once we get an armchair for me) and hopefully the sleep situation improves.
We can't wait till he sleeps through the night - but john thinks that we will have to wait 18 years for that to happen!