Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10 months old! (& sleeping habits)

So AJ turned 10 months old 2 days ago. 

Ever since we made the move to Brisbane in July 2016 he's been a terrible sleeper.  Waking up every 2-3 hours at night to feed. I thought he wasn't getting enough during the day hence the night feeds, but when I tried giving him more food (milk & solids) in the day, he refused.

So.. My body was exhausted from it and then it slowly kinda, "got used" to the routine a month or so ago but I swear, ever since he turned 10 months old (i.e. from the night of 17th October 2016, he's been only waking up twice at night. I put him to bed at 830pm (the usual) and he wakes at ~1230am and ~415am, quickly falls back to sleep each time with a quick feed, and is fully awake by about 6am - amazing news! I ***hope*** it is a sign that he's ready to be sleeping for 4 hour stretches now. And that slowly but surely he will go back to sleeping through the night.

I even bought the book by Ferber from amazon which came in the mail 4 days ago but haven't gotten round to reading it yet.

A teething (read: screaming & clingy) baby does keep your hands full!

So yeah, here's the quick 10 month update. Time is flying past too fast - this little guy is turning a year old in 2 months?! Goodness! I still distinctly remember when he was just born!

Anyway, with the progression of age he's also becoming more responsive to john and I.  He actually "responds" when we ask questions directed at him with loud mumbo jumbo noises as if he's talking! And when he's upset, you can definitely see it cos he chucks a tantrum. Which is cute but at the same time not cute - the cuteness melts ny heart & makes me want to give in.. but my brain tells me no! Give in and he'll be a spoilt kiddo. And so I resist. And it seem to be working - when I say a firm "NO", AJ definitely understands that I don't want him to do a certain thing.

He's so smart though - he then pretends to do something else and when I look away he quickly crawls back to whatever he was prohibited to do originally. And then I catch him and go to him and say "No!" And he quickly scrambles away all the while making disgruntled noises. It's sooooooooooooooo sickeningly cute.  My heart has mini explosions sometimes.

Anywho I'm out for now. It's 4.36am and I need to go back to sleep before he wakes in 1.5 hours!

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