I don't know if it's just me.. or if other pregnant mums out there are experiencing the strange double phenomenon of getting more frequent mosquito bites and possibly overactive sweat ducts (compared to when we were NOT pregnant of course).
I find that I am getting at least one mosquito bite a day (no kidding) and on some weekends I'm getting more. Mostly on my legs though. And also I find that I am sweating more easily these days.. I can be standing and totally immobile in a room without air conditioning and I will be sweating buckets.
I did read an article online anout how pregnant women have 1.5 to 2 times the amount of blood supply through the course of pregnancy, contributing to the increased amounts of heat dispersed and carried throughout your body which results in more sweat and also a more likely blood feast for the hungry flying creatures. To combat this I've been using a roll-on insect repellant to keep them mozzies away from my legs. It took me so many years to achieve nicer looking legs on my skin (used to have too many scars) and now it's all doomed! #sadface
Anyway I'll do a review later on the insect repellant I'm using and hopefully if any preggy mums out there are experiencing the same issue, then hopefully this will help!
To combat the increased sweat I intend to buy a mini portable fan to take around with me especially when I'm really feeling the heat and getting uncomfortable!
Off to a triple date dinner now! John has fallen sick so we will most likely come home early so he can rest for work the next day.
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