Thursday, October 22, 2015

[Tuesday Tips] 6 Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

After what seemed like eons (2 weeks actually) I finally had the time to go to the gym before work.. and boy do I feel good! (& sore too but in a good way)
I've been doing regular walks on the treadmill alternating with cycling on the stationery bike followed by 2 sets of 20 squats daily throughout my pregnancy however 2 weeks ago, due to work reasons, I wavered.

But this morning as I was walking on the treadmill I suddenly remembered how good exercising makes me feel. It's not just about the discipline of waking up earlier to drag yourself and your bump to get some physical exercise in right before work, it's more about the combined mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of exercising that lifts my spirits and help me face my day. And definitely also the fact little AJ benefits from it!

Here are 6 benefits of exercising during pregnancy :

1. Energy Booster
Because exercising increases blood flow throughout your body and strengthens your cardiovascular system, you gain an overall boost in energy that can keep you on your feet for longer throughout the day. Not only that, with an increased level of energy, you can achieve more!

2. Reduce Stress
Getting into the daily grind of life can be challenging for some, but add on a 9-month pregnancy project to that can take a massive toll on you and your wellbeing. 
Exercise has been proven to release a hormone, serotonin, that positively affects your mood and helps lift your spirits up. 

3. Easier Labour/Delivery Process
Keeping active throughout the 9 months has been shown (via various studies) to aid in an easier labour/delivery process. The reason behind this is because labour and delivery is an energy sapping, tiring process that requires muscle utilisation and strength. Thus, the maintenance of your body tone in the 9 months will contribute to making this process an easier and smoother one. 

4. Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Quicker
It's also been said, via various case studies, that staying fit during your pregnancy term will help you get back your pre-pregnancy body faster. Exercising will help keep off the surplus unnecessary weight and will help your body bounce back faster after giving birth. This reason alone is sometimes the sole motivation for ladies to maintain their exercise regime!

5. Reduce Pregnancy Discomforts
Getting regular exercise throughout your pregnancy helps to strengthen your muscles. Simple exercises like walking, swimming and even stretching improves your blood circulation and strengthens your abdominal muscles to help your body cope with the ongoing aches and pains of pregnancy. 

6. Sleep Better at Night
If you're pregnant and well past the halfway mark of your second trimester (like me), then you will know that finding a comfortable sleeping position is one of the most challenging tasks. Getting exercise in the day will help release some of the extra energy you may have, tiring you out by the end of the day and so you have a more restful sleep. 

I hope these are more than enough reasons for you to keep active, or if you aren't already - then to get off the couch, away from the bowl of chips and into your sports gear!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 30 + 1: Monitoring/Counting Fetal Movements

Our antenatal class has taught us to start counting fetal movements. Within a time frame of 12 hours, little AJ has to kick at least 10 times.
Start time and end time should roughly be the same too.

[Pregnancy] Week 30

We are one digit up and have hit the big 30s now. Not long to go until we see little AJ!
Went to see Kamaljit over the weekend and she's happy with how everything is - baby is growing at a good size, is very active and seems healthy!
He loves car rides and adventure - I already know that he will be a cheeky little one when he's born. He'll be great at sports - just like daddy. :-)
I got another round of 1 day Canesten to treat a possible yeast infection. My swab test results will come back in a few days. I love Mondays these days - when I get the chance to work from the comfort of my own home. It is also a time where I can reflect and have the space to be able to rest as well as stroke my belly and talk to AJ. I already love him so much - and more often than not I find my thoughts drifting to when he's here - the amount of kisses I will plant on his face and body, his newborn smell, his first smile etc - and most of the time I shed a tear or two of happiness, excitement and nervousness combined.
John and I still cannot believe we are going to be parents - I think it hasn't really sunk in yet. But with time quickly ticking by, I'm sure it won't be long till we fully realize just where we're headed!

Monday, October 12, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 29 : Last leg!

Omg third trimester, why hello!
It's been one heck of a ride so far and we are on our last leg of the pregnancy race.
I'm feeling more lethargic  these days and the pregnancy brain syndrome is getting increasingly real for me.
We officially have 10 more weeks before little AJ arrives. Things we are looking at this week is completing our third and final antenatal class and looking for a confinement lady for my first month post partum. I'm getting more used to my growing belly and feeling more of AJ's strong kicks! He gets really active at night when I'm asleep.. so sleep for me these days tend to be broken and incomplete, hence contributing to my lethargy during the day.
I've been trying to keep healthy with proper eating and twice or thrice weekly exercises, including squats and the exercises I learnt during pre natal sessions. 
Baby shower is coming up - 14th November - and I've only got my gift registry completed. That's it. Gah! *panics*

[Pregnancy] 28 + 6 : Pantai Hospital KL Tour!

We finally visited Pantai Hospital KL on Saturday and also paid our first visit to Dr.  Premitha, who works alongside Dr. Kamaljit and will be our standby gynaecologist during delivery. 
The labour ward had only 2 room types - Normal & Suite. If you're opting for a water birth, the Suite room has a comfy looking spa - type bathtub for you to deliver in. It also has a mini fridge and a more comfortable chair for your partner to wait and sit in, as compared to the Normal room. Price wise? Depends on the type of delivery method you'll be undergoing to deliver your baby.
We are gearing towards a completely natural birth (with no epidural) unless the pain becomes super unbearable but I believe it's all in the mind. 
A water birth I heard costs a couple thousands more than a natural - another option to consider given my scoliosis condition!
After touring the delivery ward we went up to the 3rd floor to tour the maternity ward - this is where you are brought to recuperate after delivery.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 27 + 5: General

Almost 30 weeks! I can't wait yet at the same time I'm super nervous.
I ate some cheese yesterday at work's Female Appreciation Day and then felt guilty after because I know certain cheese must be avoided during pregnancy to prevent listeriosis. And then I googled and realised that what I ate was gouda cheese, which is semi hard and perfectly fine so I'm relieved :-)
Anywho first ante natal class tomorrow at Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC). Will definitely post my review!