Monday, October 12, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 29 : Last leg!

Omg third trimester, why hello!
It's been one heck of a ride so far and we are on our last leg of the pregnancy race.
I'm feeling more lethargic  these days and the pregnancy brain syndrome is getting increasingly real for me.
We officially have 10 more weeks before little AJ arrives. Things we are looking at this week is completing our third and final antenatal class and looking for a confinement lady for my first month post partum. I'm getting more used to my growing belly and feeling more of AJ's strong kicks! He gets really active at night when I'm asleep.. so sleep for me these days tend to be broken and incomplete, hence contributing to my lethargy during the day.
I've been trying to keep healthy with proper eating and twice or thrice weekly exercises, including squats and the exercises I learnt during pre natal sessions. 
Baby shower is coming up - 14th November - and I've only got my gift registry completed. That's it. Gah! *panics*

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