Friday, April 15, 2016

The almost 4 month old!

Wow. It has been a long time since I last updated this space. Heaps have happened in this time..

- mum and dad went back to melbourne
- our little family went on a 1 week trip to melbourne
- AJ started rolling over and army crawling
- I'm back to the workforce after a 3 month maternity leave
- new role, new responsibilities, new structure (2 top dogs left my team)
- possible migration
- AJ got his second booster immunization!
- 120ml intake

I've just named the main ones. . A lot of smaller scenarios have happened in between these larger ones.

Anyway AJ has just gotten his second jab yesterday.  In the butt. He was such a good boy though - crying only for the first few seconds and then quickly calming down after with the help, hug & cuddles from his daddy.

He's turning 4 months old tomorrow (how time flies!) and can now roll over, army crawl, babble & coo, giggle and smile (heaps!). He's such a happy, lovable baby and John and I are more than blessed to have this little man in our lives.

He's also started to lean forward ALOT especially when he's put down in his bouncer. The more I push him to lean backwards the more he resists and tries to lean forward - makes for a funny scene actually. And when he's sitting down he clamours to get on his feet (but obviously at this age he isn't able to do so yet) so the moment we lift him up on his feet, he goes all smiley and giggly. What a cutie.

Tempted to get him the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo soon. I've seen so many good reviews on it (amazon) & I'm sure AJ will love it since he gets to stand and bounce!

Daycare is turning out to be fine as well. Santhy, Patricia and Katsuri (Aunty "Sura") are all looking after him well. The only thing I dislike is the fact that it gets hot & sweaty there sometimes and his bottles come home with tiny crawling gifts (read: ants) however that is to be expected since the daycare is a landed property (essentially a house-turned-daycare-centre). In the past month AJ's breastmilk intake has gone from 90ml to 120ml!! This is after we got feedback from Santhy that he's been finishing all 5 90ml bottles within 10 hours AND still sucking for more at the end of each feed! We increased it to 100ml and still nothing changed so we increased it to 120ml just 2 days ago and we shall see how it goes within the next week. 

I still can't believe how much he's thriving on breastmilk alone - it inspires and motivates me to keep continuing on this breastfeeding journey up until for some reason, I physically can't anymore! I truly love how it comforts him too and ill surely be sad when the day comes that this breastfeeding journey comes to an end!

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