Tuesday, September 15, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 25 : Oh the kicks!

Bubs is growing bigger everyday and he is making sure we know that!
His kicks are becoming more prominent and frequent - he even kicks me awake some nights. As much as it breaks my sleep I wouldn't trade it for the world.. I love the feeling of his tumbles and somersaults, it's a constant reminder that he's there. :-)
Complaints this week? so far none other than infrequent dull aches near my lower abdomen due to his stronger movements/kicks and also the fact that I'm still suffering from a cold (runny nose, phlegm, sore throat and mild fever).
No backaches (or any aches for that matter), swollen hands or feet, vomiting, nausea etc.
My parents were here for 2 days and I took them on an office tour, to our fav jap place (senya) and to antipodean. Will be seeing mum again on 4th Dec!

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