Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 26 : General Tiredness is backkkk

Uh oh. It's said in several articles I've read online that the first trimester is where you feel nauseous and tired, second trimester is when you feel horny and alive (glowing period I guess?) and when third trimester strikes, you're back to being tired and moody again. 
I'm kinda feeling the start of the third trimester I think. This week so far has been nothing short of tiring for me. I feel drained of energy and all I want to do is sleep in. When I'm up and about for too long (over an hour) now my lower abdomen hurts, almost as if Lil sweetie is being pushed lower into my pelvic region by the force of gravity.
For example last night half way through cooking dinner I had to stop and lie down because of the gradual abdominal pain. I hope it doesn't get much worse than this! I love pregnancy thus far & appreciate everything John has been doing for me to help make this easier.
P.S another (4th) lady at work just told me she's expecting too! But waiting till next week, after she sees the heartbeat, to announce. Yay!

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