Tuesday, January 5, 2016

[Weekly Digest] Postpartum: Week 1

How I feel (Overall): To sum it up in one word, hell. When I was pregnant and reading up everything I could on motherhood, none prepared me for this first week. The incessant crying and not knowing what he wants, was not only painful to hear but an overwhelming sense of helplessness also engulfed me. Luckily, John was on paternity leave and could "share" in this pain with me.

We understood from the nurses at the hospital that AJ is still trying to get used to the new environment, new smells and it is normal for a newborn to be crying his lungs out and screaming in the first few weeks, but we never thought it'd be this hard. I eventually broke down and cried to John and he encouraged and motivated me to stay strong.

Pain areas: Incision throbs and hurts. I can barely walk, let alone lift anything. Trying to prevent incision from becoming infected as we live in a humid country and chances of infection is much higher than if we had a drier environment.

How I coped: John, & Mum. These 2 people in my life are God-sent I swear. Recovering from a C-section is not an easy feat. Add to that the responsibility of a new baby and existing responsibilities of having to keep the house clean and for food to be on the table 3 times a day... John & Mum have taken all of that onto their shoulders. For them, I am ever so appreciative <3

AJ's Progress: This first week has quite honestly, been super hectic. All he's done this week is cry, feed, sleep. It's okay.. the first few weeks I know are going to be the hardest.

Things to be Grateful for: A healthy baby boy. Nothing makes us more happy than seeing AJ thrive as he does. The reason our hospital bill came to almost half of what we were expecting it to be was because he was born healthy. No jaundice, no need to be admitted into NICU for any reason. Healthy baby, happy mummy (& daddy!). Thank God.

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