Monday, December 28, 2015

[Tuesday Tips] Top C-Section Recovery Tips

It's been 11 days since I had an elective C section and in these almost 2 weeks, I think I am qualified to offer you some tips on how to ease your post C section recovery and feel better much faster, so you can look after your little one.

1. Get Movin'

At the hospital, the very next day after my surgery, a nurse came into my ward room and asked if I felt like peeing. I said no. I closed my eyes again, expecting her to take my answer and leave it and perhaps come back again in 2 hours' time to ask the same question until I willingly say yes. 

Not a chance. Right after I said no to her, she said "Get up now. Let's go to the bathroom." Shocked and reluctant but because she was a head nurse a knew what she was doing, I agreed and slowly moved my way off the bed with her much-needed help. 

I will admit, it was excruciating. Those first few steps to the bathroom, I've never felt more incapable in my life - it felt like I had aged in just days to an old lady with broken, brittle bones that she couldn't even walk herself anymore. I was hunched over and made the 50m walk to the bathroom in a record 10 minutes. Peeing was not a pain but I had to sit on the toilet bowl at an incline in order not to put pressure on the incision.

After that excruciating first walk, I felt so much better. So, first advice is to get moving even if you don't feel like it. Not only will it improve the circulation in your legs and prevent blood clots from forming, it also aids in your bowel movements so you don't suffer constipation which is common post c-section phenomenon. Get up and about!

2. Take Your Pain Meds

I know you're a strong lady, but when it comes to healing from a C section, don't be a hero. Take them regularly (mine was every 4 hours) even if you don't feel much pain & when the hospital offers you some, take them all. 

If you wait till longer than 4-6 hours to take your next round of pain meds, you'll regret it when the pain starts kicking in and you have to slowly wait for your meds to take effect. Not a pretty thought to behold. You just underwent a major abdominal surgery and your body is adjusting to it, so naturally it will be painful. Listen to your body and don't let it suffer from unnecessary pain!

3. Stay Hydrated

That first pee is very important after your C-section, to determine that your bladder is functioning well & good. You're going to be inserted with a urine catheter which will only be taken off the next day after surgery, but once it's out, make it a point/your goal to visit the bathroom within the next 12 hours. Of course, do this with the help of the nurses or you might fall!.

It's important to stay hydrated after a surgery to aid in the healing process and to keep your bladder movements in sync. Aim to drink the standard 8-10 glasses of water each day.

4. Seek Help (Physically & Moral Support) & Rest

Your incision and general health will take at least 6 weeks to be restored, and in this time, don't strain yourself otherwise you risk injuring your fresh wound and splitting your incision/getting an incision infection. You might look healed on the outside, but bear in mind that a lot of healing is still going on in this inside, which you cannot see. And it is important to keep in mind that you just underwent a major surgery. 

Don't carry anything heavier than your baby and organise a feeding schedule with your partner so you can have a longer stretch of rest (4-5 hours at least) as new tissue regenerates for healing only when you're getting enough proper rest. Yes you just had a baby and life will never be the same again, BUT take all the help you get offered from close friends, family and especially your partner (boyfriend/fiance/husband) because their help & support is going to come a long long way in helping your heal faster. 


These are my 4 main tips on how to recovery faster from a C section - as much as I wanted a natural delivery, sometimes God has other plans for you (that's what I believe anyway), and despite this all I ever ask for is a healthy baby, which I got :-)

Motherhood is not an easy journey, all the late night feeds & diaper changes, sleepless days and nights & breastfeeding problems come along with it, but when you get the green light from your paediatrician telling you that your little one is doing well and is healthy, all these "issues" suddenly don't seem to matter anymore. 

AJ  has been an amazing baby - he hardly cries and when he does, it's for good reason (either hungry or need a nappy change). John and I are very blessed parents and we hope to raise him well. 
We'll take it one step at a time.

Friday, December 18, 2015

17th Dec 2015 - D day hath arrived!

D (Delivery!) Day has arrived.

As instructed by Dr. Kamaljit, we checked in the night before at 8pm and managed to snag a private single - bedded room. Lucky we checked in the night before because we spent 2 whole hours sorting out payment - the eftpos machines at Pantai Hospital kept rejecting John's NAB card - something that has never happened before.

And through this we've also learnt that CIMB customer service (and the bank is general) is hopeless. John is seriously contemplating moving to Maybank now (better customer service in my own personal experience!).

Anyway at 6am I was given a suppository up my butthole and told to keep it in for 15 mins before going to the bathroom to flush everything out of my system. However, within minutes of putting it in I ran to the bathroom and expelled half of my "stores". The other half was still hard poop and couldn't be expelled but they couldn't give me a second dose so told me to leave it anyway. 

At 730am, anaesthetist Dr. Sabter came in and instructed the nurses to wheel me to the second floor so I could get my spinal block. John was given a set of scrubs to change into and I was afraid he'd miss out on the spinal block session but he came just in time.
People say the insertion of the IV drip is even more painful than the spinal anaesthesia. I say, bullsh*t!

The spinal anaesthesia started with a needle through the back and I felt a flow of liquid, first to my left lumbar side then another dose to the right side. It was more sore than painful.. like a very dull & sore ache - it's there and it's annoying and I can't get rid of it.

Anyway after that they inserted the catheter for the block/epidural and within minutes I felt numb in my legs. It didn't take long before I lost all muscle movement and pain sensation in my lower abdomen and legs. I did very quickly fall nauseous right after the spinal block was administered but I was told there and then that it was a common phenomenon.

Nausea stayed all through the surgery. What I like about Dr. Kamaljit and Dr. Premitha is that they both know how to lighten the mood during surgery, by chatting and laughing heartily whilst not distracting from their jobs. Kamaljit told me once at her clinic during one of our regular appointments "we like to chat and laugh while doing a c section,  BUT it's not because we are not focused or that we are slacking, remember that!"

It certainly made the atmosphere less tense and I remember my spinning head was thanking them for that. When AJ came out I caught a glimpse of him before he was brought to the weighing machine and cleaning tub to get cleaned and weighed.  After which he was wrapped up tightly in a white towel and put next to my head for 2 minutes. Then, john and him went upstairs to the nursery where AJ was properly measured. 

I was in the emergency room for ages (1 hour) before being wheeled back to my ward room (C329), during which I was asked if I wanted to keep my placenta and made to feel the extreme pain of getting my uterus "massaged" back down. The Indian nurse used a lot of pressure to push it down and at one point I had to tell her to STOP because it was really hurting (imagine just having an incision in your uterus and a nurse comes in a continually presses upon the incision site, with all her bloody strength as well).

After that I got wheeled back to my room and managed to have skin to skin time with my newborn baby. How lovely it felt, his soft skin against mine - it felt unreal.

I was in hospital for almost 3 days before I got discharged on Saturday the 19th December. One of the most painful moments was getting up to walk the first time after a C sect. It hurt so much I took 10 mins to walk to the bathroom from my bed (with the aid of a nurse of course).

The nurses at Pantai Maternity ward were mostly nice - I was given painkillers and antibiotics to recover. They took the two catheters out from my back (where they'd added morphine into) and down below (urine catheter) the very next day. 
AJ was with us for most of the time, except at night when we'd put him in the nursery to be looked after so we could get some much - needed rest.

Overall a challenging get wonderful experience of childbirth. I'd do it again in a heartbeat for AJ.  He's been wonderful! And... He has my nose!! 😂😊

Sunday, December 13, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 37 : So close yet so far

Today I am week 37 + 7.
I've been feeling great except for a nightmare I had last night where I went into labour at home and I woke up to a back ache because a pillow was sitting right under me right back!
Went for a CTG at Pantai Hospital just yesterday (Saturday - cost us RM167 all up) on Kamaljit's instruction and everything was okay with lil sweetie. He's been such a good boy this whole pregnancy I swear, I have a strong feeling he's going to be a good boy when he's out too. :-)
Right after the CTG procedure (they strap 2 transducer things on your tummy; one is to monitor baby's heartbeat the other is to monitor uterine contractions), a chirpy nurse came in and told me that because I have a breeched baby, any time I feel any sort of pain or if my water breaks all of a sudden, I'll need to drop everything I'm going and rush to the hospital to undergo an emergency c section, because the labour risks involved with a breeched baby is much higher than a baby who is already head-down.
I've already conveyed this piece of vital information to John and he's given me 5 of his colleagues contacts just in case I can't reach him on time. He was so worried and told me that even if I can't on first try, keep ringing and ringing him. My poor hubs has been working afternoon shifts the past few weeks since the new store opened.. he's definitely lost weight and I can see how tired he looks these days (not to mention the anxiety of an impending birth of our baby).
Now that mums here hopefully we can take some weight of our shoulders!
4 more days till our scheduled C section - I went to see the anaesthetist at Pantai last week and she took one look at my X rays and said a spinal block shouldn't be an issue. I can't wait to hold lil sweetie in my arms and I'm even more eager to watch John as he holds him for the first time. Can't wait!!

Pantai KL vs UMSC

When Dr. Kamaljit told us that UMSC was half the price of Pantai Hospital for a C section, we decided to pay UMSC a visit to see if it was worth the savings.

Prior to this we've already gone to pay a visit to Pantai KL and here are 3 top reasons why we've decided to go with Pantai, despite the higher cost of delivery.

1. Professionalism

When we went to Pantai Hospital for our first visit, everyone whom we spoke English to, replied back in English & didn't assume that we were locals.
I'm really sick and tired of people automatically assuming that we are Malaysians and STILL attempting to talk to us in Bahasa despite us speaking in English/telling them that we are not locals.  At UMSC, this was what we experienced. Other than the super long wait to see Dr. Valli which resulted in John confronting the nurses at the desk (I mean, what's the whole point of booking an appointment if we're going to arrive on time and STILL wait 1-2 hours to see the doctor?!), we also experienced incompetent nurses who dodged responsibilities when questioned.

In addition to that, the gynae we were assigned to was muddle-headed to say the least and we were quite surprised when we tell her our preferred C section date and 5 minutes later she points out the incorrect date range. She was very forgetful on numerous other occasions and John already started feeling uncomfortable at the thought of her being our c sect surgeon.

2. Accreditation

Pantai KL is one of the top 3 JCI accredited hospitals in KL, and for good reasons. With top facilities and a competent group of doctors and surgeons it's not hard to imagine why.

On the other hand, UMSC is still working towards their accreditation, and my mother kindly pointed out a poster on their hospital walls saying that one of their top goals is to eventually become accredited.

3. Facilities & Ease of mobility

UMSC Hospital has a very complex building structure, with 2 separate wings under the same building (government wing, and private non-government wing) and unclear instructions, which is NOT going to come in handy when you hage to rush to the hospital and make your way to the appropriate ward. Even the nurse we spoke to didnt know how to help us get back to the parking space.

Oh and parking is another painful situation altogether. Lots are super tight and impossible to find most of the time. There are also unclear parking signs all over the place that if you were a newbie to this hospital, you'd definitely get lost the first few times.

On the other hand, parking at Pantai KL is very straightforward. You enter the parking space from the main road and taking the lift leads you right up to the main lobby. At the main lobby there is a front desk with staff who speak English and helps you with your queries, WITH A SMILE. And a smile, especially in Malaysia, makes a world of a difference.

Facilities and surroundings here are definitely newer, more modern - looking and the overall atmosphere is more lively, cleaner and just generally makes you feel better about the prospect of getting hospitalised.

Having said all these, you definitely get what you pay for. That's how the world works - pay a bit more for better service, better facilities and better quality. And John and I have decided that because it concerns our baby and my health, that money is not an issue. I've been fighting the idea of going to Pantai because of how much a C section will end up costing us (and this is not even taking into account other potential costs involved such as NICU costs etc ***touchwood***) and I've clearly expressed that to John, but he has given me the reassurance that everything will be just fine with our finances. He really wants the best for us (bubs and i) and he didn't have a good feeling at all about UMSC to start with.

So, 4 more days till the big day. :-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

[Tuesday Tips] 3 ways to raise your AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index)

At my last checkup/scan (35 weeks), Dr. Kamaljit raised the issue that I had a low amniotic fluid score and is was bordering on dangerously low levels..

So naturally, the moment I got home I searched it up on Google and this was what I found: -

    Amniotic fluid index (AFI) is an estimate of the amount of amniotic fluid and is an index for the fetal well-being. It is a part of the biophysical profile. AFI is the score (expressed in cm) given to the amount of amniotic fluid seen on ultrasonography of a pregnant uterus.

So if your fluid is between a 5 and 12, you're pretty good. Mine was a 7 and Kamaljit told me that it was bordering on dangerously low levels. Upon further reading, I've discovered that if you happen to reach a AFI of below 5, it basically means that you need to be induced right away because it is a big indication that your placenta is NOT functioning well enough to provide the necessary nutrients to your growing baby!

Your amniotic fluid is basically made up of 3 things: the placenta, the baby's urine (yes, they swallow and pee in utero), and some is excreted through the baby's skin.

Fellow low AFI pregnant mums, after much research, I've summarized below 3 of the easiest, and most natural ways to raise your Amniotic Fluid Index (levels) to prevent a pre-term birth:

1. Drinks LOTS of water

By lots, i'm talking about 4L a day. The best way I've found to make sure I was getting enough water each day was to buy a 500ml labelled water bottle. As long as I've drank 8 bottles worth of water every day, I was good. And I even split my water intake levels into morning, afternoon and evening. It was 3 bottles full by 12pm, another 3 bottles full by 6pm and the last 2 bottles full before bed (by 10pm).

Staying well-hydrated is a very important key factor to keeping your AFI at a safe level.

2. Eat fruits/veggies with a high water content

Go crazy on those watermelons, strawberries and cantaloupes. These fruits have the highest water content (more than 90%) and not only that, they are TASTY!

Personally, I love fruits so this it's not an issue for me to eat bowls of them at one time. Take today for instance, I've had half a rockmelon after lunch and 2 punnets of strawberries after dinner.

Other foods with high water content include vegetables such as Cucumber, Iceberg Lettuce, Celery, Carrots & Cauliflower (all above 90% water content too!). These are not only healthy for you, but for your baby as well. So essentially, you kill 2 birds with 1 stone - you stay hydrated as well as get the proper nutrients you need!

3. Do some light exercises 

If you're able-bodied and not been medically told to be on bedrest, then get those limbs up and about!
Light exercises promote an increase in blood flow to your uterus and placenta which in turn promotes an increase in your Amniotic fluid levels and fetal urine production rate. As your baby passes more urine in the sac, the volume of amniotic fluid increases.

Some light exercises include: walking, light hiking, swimming, yoga and even water aerobics.
Water-related activities are great during pregnancy as it helps to keep the weight off your joints and provides the temporary relief your body needs from carrying all that extra weight around.

Hope these 3 important tips help you as it has helped me. My next gynae appointment is in a weeks time and I'm definitely hoping it stays a 7 at least!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 35 + 6 : Hip pain gone!

By some miracle, my pelvic girdle pain has miraculously disappeared and I can move around like a normal human being again. 
I told John this but he told me to take it back so as not to jinx it!
Haven't experienced any other pain this pregnancy thus far.. and we are so near the end! I'm thankful and have been extremely grateful up to now. I pray it will continue this way right up to delivery.

[Tuesday Tips] Dealing with a Bicornuate Uterus

As I was trudging through a pile of old documents, I came across a doctor's MRI report from 2013 stating that I have a "Bicornuate Uterus" with 2 uterine horns.

For those who have no knowledge about what this means, a bicornuate uterus is basically a uterine abnormality that affects only a small portion of the female population whereby your uterus doesn't develop as it should when you're a foetus in your mother's womb. Instead of the normal inverted per-shaped uterus that most females carry, mine is heart-shaped with 2 horns and a septum dividing both horns.

One thing I am unsure of though is how deep the septum is & something I would love to find out once I deliver AJ. I'll keep in mind to ask Kamaljit this in the next appointment. Anyway, this explains several things as below.

1. Higher occurrence of a breeched position

Because your little one literally only occupies half the space in the womb, there is a higher chance that he/she will be and will stay in a breeched position. This is especially true if he/she is still breeched after 30 weeks because there is little chance that they will turn given the reduced amount of space and amniotic fluid as he/she grows bigger by the week.

Hence, because of this, and because I am already 2 days away from my 36th week of pregnancy, I will be going to UMSC to schedule my C-section date next week. Kamaljit recommends a C-section at UMSC as it is half the price (8-10k) of having a C-section at Pantai Hospital (15-20k). In addition to that, the doctors at UMSC are more specialised for this type of delivery/surgical procedure.

2. A lopsided belly

Again, your baby is most likely going to occupy only one of the horns, hence your belly will be lopsided for most of your pregnancy. For me, this only got more obvious with time as he grew bigger you could see a more distinct difference between the two sides of my belly.

My more "dominant" horn is the left one, where AJ constantly resides in.

I know he's been trying to turn the past week or so (because his heads sinks downwards) but he never gets past the transverse position and this is most likely because of limited space. My poor lil sweetie - at least he tried.

There are several ways to attempt to turn a breeched baby which I will go into detail in my next post and I will attempt to use one of the more well-known, natural methods (i.e going on all fours every night for 15-20 minutes) in these last few weeks and cling on to the very little hope that he will finally turn before the 37th week.

Monday, November 23, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 35 : Hips don't lie! + Insurance

Today (just today) I woke up with hips that were less painful! After 1.5 whole weeks the pain has subsided a little bit. Not sure if it's for the longer term or if it's just for today though. Sure hope it's the former!
Anyway have to apply for maternity leave real soon - visiting Kamaljit for an appointment in 2 days' time (Wednesday) and will have to get her to write up a maternity leave report for me to hand in with my application. Now I'm not sure if it's 90 working days, or 90 days including weekends? It should really be 90 working days I feel, because after all we are already entitled to weekends off during a regular week, no?
Anywho I've asked HR to look into this and confirm with me again via email before I submit my application.
Also just managed to lock down insurance for little sweetie. We decided to go with Prumychild with the Infant care plan 2, for now. Might add on the PruValue Med premium once he's out but shall see how it goes with his health etc. Although I'm sure he will be a healthy, happy & bouncy baby!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 34 + 5 : Sick... Again + Things to be grateful for!

I think the recent spate of events as I mentioned in my last post has taken a toll on my already compromised immune system/body. Plus add the fact that John has been sick the last 1 week..

I've gotten a terrible sore throat, chesty cough and a slight fever. And it doesn't help that every time I cough, my already-sore hips hurt even more! It's been quite a miserable week to be honest, and I can't wait for my next appointment with Kamaljit next Wed to get a Physiotherapist recommendation.

My biggest issue now is dealing with these hips - our legs are so important for us to be able to be mobile, sometimes we take it for granted. It's only when you lose part of/all of the ability to walk that you realise how important this bodily function is. The days of being able to power walk, gym and jump seem to be long gone..

On a brighter note, things I could be grateful for this week include (but is not limited to!)  the following :

- New IKEA Cheras store opened yesterday! I can feel John's relief.. after a whole year of hard work.
- Despite the hips and sickness, my mood hasn't been crushed. I still smile, joke, laugh.. and I have a feeling that we have a happy baby baking in the oven :-)
- Received more baby shower gifts - can't be any more grateful for the people surrounding me
- 2 more weeks till mum gets here - i'm half excited, half nervous
- We won 2 pieces of furniture in the IKEA auction.. both for AJ and we got them at bargain prices!

It's Friyay! And I can't wait till the weekend. Another baby shower to attend tomorrow and I think Sunday will be a reading day for me. I can't wait till I get some time to myself to just sit at home and do nothing but sleep all day - something I haven't had the opportunity to do in a while. I'm also thinking of going downstairs to the pool just to waddle in and take some pressure off the sore hip and leg joints.

In other pregnancy-related news, little AJ is still in a breeched position and we (John, Dr. Kamaljit & I) are all hoping he will turn within the next 2 weeks otherwise we'd have to schedule the much-dreaded C section!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

1 Nov 2015 : He proposed!

Today John proposed near the waterfalls in Bentong, Pahang. He chose a place we both love - Nature. Raw. Unpretentious. Sweaty. Just him and I in one place.

How he did it was another story altogether. This cheeky one can never really hide anything from me. Neither can he act. Lol! The night before our getaway he had already diligently packed his backpack and left it by the main door which i felt was absolutely strange and unlike him, as he is usually a last minute packer. And then the next morning he is up and early which is also something out of his character, but all that ran through my head was "Geez this guy is REALLY enthusiastic about this trip!"

At the waterfalls as I was taking a break by the rocks after our mini hike and was all sweaty and tired when he gestured with his right hand for me to come to him. His left hand was behind his back. Then, I already knew something was up.

Then as I stood in front of him, he knelt down and made his speech (which was super sweet by the way) and asked for my hand in marriage. After I said "Yes of course I'll marry you!" He revealed a rilakkuma bear.. and I was dumbfounded for a second, " seriously? What?" was what came to mind immediately.

Then he was like "Okay maybe this will work better.." then he flashed this beautiful ring nested in a super cute Carrie K signature bookcase box.

So let's get down to what the ring means.  He customized it to show...
The sapphire in the middle represents me (my favourite stone and colour).
The leaves on both sides of this rock represents Growth and Ascension.
The little garnet under the Sapphire (can't see from the pic) represents John (his favourite colour being red).

So basically,  as we grow together in life, he will always be there to support and encourage me. How sweet is that?!

I love my ring and I'm proud to tell others what it means (even when they don't ask!) because I truly treasure the amount of thought that went into the creation of this ring. And now that we are married I can finally call him my Husband.

From making big sacrifices, to looking after me when I'm sick, to wiping away the tears from my eyes when I'm down, to crying with me, to accepting me and my wretched past, I've truly found a soul mate in him and there is no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with.  We've been through so much, we've made it this far, what else is in our path that we cannot conquer and overcome?

[Pregnancy] Weeks 33 & 34 : PGP + Baby shower + ROM

Everything with my body was fine up until the start of this week when I started experiencing sudden pains in my buttocks and hips!
A bit of googling tells me that there is a high chance of PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) due to the hormone relaxin which is released towards the end of pregnancy in order to loosen the ligaments surrounding the pelvic joints to prepare the body for labour and delivery.
If that's the case, then I'm really suffering from the pain. Every step I take hurts and don't even get me started on getting up and out of bed. It feels like someone is constantly stabbing me in the hips 24/7 and the only relief I get is when I lie down and not move.  Even turning to lie on the other side hurts so much.
Planning to see a Physiotherapist next week right after I see Dr. Kamaljit for my 35 week appointment. I'm thankful though, that the pain is only centred around my back hips and no where else! Touchwood.
In other news, it's been a long, hectic yet fulfilling week last week, starting with the Ikea family day & the mad rush to prepare for the Baby shower (which was a success! And many many thanks to my awesome friends who helped out with the decor and games) and then the ROM right after, finished off with our 2 year anniversary yesterday. 
So basically this is how it went down..
13 Nov: Char arrives
14 Nov: IKEA cheras family day + Baby shower prep till 2am
15 Nov: Baby Shower
16 Nov: ROM + Char leaves
17 Nov: 2 year anniversary
It was so crazyyyyy - possibly the craziest weekend of my life but at the end of it I'm super thankful that everything went well and smoothly and that I know I have great friends around me who ill cherish for the rest of my life!
Little AJ is such a blessed boy already with all the gifts and love he's been showered with! These last few weeks will be spent building up his room and getting ready for mums arrival in KL on the 4th Dec.
I've got so much to say about 2015 already! I can't wait till the New Year comes round to start reflecting back

Thursday, October 22, 2015

[Tuesday Tips] 6 Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

After what seemed like eons (2 weeks actually) I finally had the time to go to the gym before work.. and boy do I feel good! (& sore too but in a good way)
I've been doing regular walks on the treadmill alternating with cycling on the stationery bike followed by 2 sets of 20 squats daily throughout my pregnancy however 2 weeks ago, due to work reasons, I wavered.

But this morning as I was walking on the treadmill I suddenly remembered how good exercising makes me feel. It's not just about the discipline of waking up earlier to drag yourself and your bump to get some physical exercise in right before work, it's more about the combined mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of exercising that lifts my spirits and help me face my day. And definitely also the fact little AJ benefits from it!

Here are 6 benefits of exercising during pregnancy :

1. Energy Booster
Because exercising increases blood flow throughout your body and strengthens your cardiovascular system, you gain an overall boost in energy that can keep you on your feet for longer throughout the day. Not only that, with an increased level of energy, you can achieve more!

2. Reduce Stress
Getting into the daily grind of life can be challenging for some, but add on a 9-month pregnancy project to that can take a massive toll on you and your wellbeing. 
Exercise has been proven to release a hormone, serotonin, that positively affects your mood and helps lift your spirits up. 

3. Easier Labour/Delivery Process
Keeping active throughout the 9 months has been shown (via various studies) to aid in an easier labour/delivery process. The reason behind this is because labour and delivery is an energy sapping, tiring process that requires muscle utilisation and strength. Thus, the maintenance of your body tone in the 9 months will contribute to making this process an easier and smoother one. 

4. Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Quicker
It's also been said, via various case studies, that staying fit during your pregnancy term will help you get back your pre-pregnancy body faster. Exercising will help keep off the surplus unnecessary weight and will help your body bounce back faster after giving birth. This reason alone is sometimes the sole motivation for ladies to maintain their exercise regime!

5. Reduce Pregnancy Discomforts
Getting regular exercise throughout your pregnancy helps to strengthen your muscles. Simple exercises like walking, swimming and even stretching improves your blood circulation and strengthens your abdominal muscles to help your body cope with the ongoing aches and pains of pregnancy. 

6. Sleep Better at Night
If you're pregnant and well past the halfway mark of your second trimester (like me), then you will know that finding a comfortable sleeping position is one of the most challenging tasks. Getting exercise in the day will help release some of the extra energy you may have, tiring you out by the end of the day and so you have a more restful sleep. 

I hope these are more than enough reasons for you to keep active, or if you aren't already - then to get off the couch, away from the bowl of chips and into your sports gear!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 30 + 1: Monitoring/Counting Fetal Movements

Our antenatal class has taught us to start counting fetal movements. Within a time frame of 12 hours, little AJ has to kick at least 10 times.
Start time and end time should roughly be the same too.

[Pregnancy] Week 30

We are one digit up and have hit the big 30s now. Not long to go until we see little AJ!
Went to see Kamaljit over the weekend and she's happy with how everything is - baby is growing at a good size, is very active and seems healthy!
He loves car rides and adventure - I already know that he will be a cheeky little one when he's born. He'll be great at sports - just like daddy. :-)
I got another round of 1 day Canesten to treat a possible yeast infection. My swab test results will come back in a few days. I love Mondays these days - when I get the chance to work from the comfort of my own home. It is also a time where I can reflect and have the space to be able to rest as well as stroke my belly and talk to AJ. I already love him so much - and more often than not I find my thoughts drifting to when he's here - the amount of kisses I will plant on his face and body, his newborn smell, his first smile etc - and most of the time I shed a tear or two of happiness, excitement and nervousness combined.
John and I still cannot believe we are going to be parents - I think it hasn't really sunk in yet. But with time quickly ticking by, I'm sure it won't be long till we fully realize just where we're headed!

Monday, October 12, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 29 : Last leg!

Omg third trimester, why hello!
It's been one heck of a ride so far and we are on our last leg of the pregnancy race.
I'm feeling more lethargic  these days and the pregnancy brain syndrome is getting increasingly real for me.
We officially have 10 more weeks before little AJ arrives. Things we are looking at this week is completing our third and final antenatal class and looking for a confinement lady for my first month post partum. I'm getting more used to my growing belly and feeling more of AJ's strong kicks! He gets really active at night when I'm asleep.. so sleep for me these days tend to be broken and incomplete, hence contributing to my lethargy during the day.
I've been trying to keep healthy with proper eating and twice or thrice weekly exercises, including squats and the exercises I learnt during pre natal sessions. 
Baby shower is coming up - 14th November - and I've only got my gift registry completed. That's it. Gah! *panics*

[Pregnancy] 28 + 6 : Pantai Hospital KL Tour!

We finally visited Pantai Hospital KL on Saturday and also paid our first visit to Dr.  Premitha, who works alongside Dr. Kamaljit and will be our standby gynaecologist during delivery. 
The labour ward had only 2 room types - Normal & Suite. If you're opting for a water birth, the Suite room has a comfy looking spa - type bathtub for you to deliver in. It also has a mini fridge and a more comfortable chair for your partner to wait and sit in, as compared to the Normal room. Price wise? Depends on the type of delivery method you'll be undergoing to deliver your baby.
We are gearing towards a completely natural birth (with no epidural) unless the pain becomes super unbearable but I believe it's all in the mind. 
A water birth I heard costs a couple thousands more than a natural - another option to consider given my scoliosis condition!
After touring the delivery ward we went up to the 3rd floor to tour the maternity ward - this is where you are brought to recuperate after delivery.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 27 + 5: General

Almost 30 weeks! I can't wait yet at the same time I'm super nervous.
I ate some cheese yesterday at work's Female Appreciation Day and then felt guilty after because I know certain cheese must be avoided during pregnancy to prevent listeriosis. And then I googled and realised that what I ate was gouda cheese, which is semi hard and perfectly fine so I'm relieved :-)
Anywho first ante natal class tomorrow at Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC). Will definitely post my review!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Leg Cramps

Oh dear.

I've had 3 leg Cramps so far in this pregnancy and they are excruciatingly painful! They all happened when I wake up in the morning and decide to flex my feet downwards to stretch the legs out and before I know it I'm feeling this extremely tight and painful "knot" in my calf.
And it's always my left calf. So what are some ways to reduce or relieve the pain? Here are my tips.

1. Flex your feet towards your shin.

This works to stretch out the cramped muscle because leg Cramps happen as a result of a "knotted" muscle so stretching it will straighten it out over time.

2. Massage the cramped area.

While flexing your feet you may want to massage the cramped area too. This provides some relief and slowly releases the tension in the muscle.

3. Stand up on your legs.

If you're looking for a quick fix but are game enough to withstand more pain, then standing straight up on your cramped leg will provide instant relief.  Not too sure about the science behind it (I'm assuming it's due to your gravitational position coupled with the muscle stretching out as you rise) but this works a treat.

With that being said, I'm usually crying out in so much pain I don't even want to move, let alone stand up. So if you're a brave soul and tried tip #3 before, I take my hat off to you! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 26 : General Tiredness is backkkk

Uh oh. It's said in several articles I've read online that the first trimester is where you feel nauseous and tired, second trimester is when you feel horny and alive (glowing period I guess?) and when third trimester strikes, you're back to being tired and moody again. 
I'm kinda feeling the start of the third trimester I think. This week so far has been nothing short of tiring for me. I feel drained of energy and all I want to do is sleep in. When I'm up and about for too long (over an hour) now my lower abdomen hurts, almost as if Lil sweetie is being pushed lower into my pelvic region by the force of gravity.
For example last night half way through cooking dinner I had to stop and lie down because of the gradual abdominal pain. I hope it doesn't get much worse than this! I love pregnancy thus far & appreciate everything John has been doing for me to help make this easier.
P.S another (4th) lady at work just told me she's expecting too! But waiting till next week, after she sees the heartbeat, to announce. Yay!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 26 : Braxton Hicks Contractions + Working From Home + Other Updates

We are officially 26 weeks pregnant today! The past few days I've been really experiencing what I think are Braxton Hicks (BH) Contractions. 

According to Wiki, "Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as prodromal labour or practice contractions, or incorrectly as false labour, are sporadic uterine contractions that sometimes start around six weeks into a pregnancy. However, they are not usually felt until the second trimester or third trimester of pregnancy." Source:

Also this morning I've been having dull sore lower back aches & I hope that this is not the start of the infamous back pains and aches everyone says you will experience in pregnancy - I know some mothers who never had a single backache all throughout their pregnancy and for me, the strangest thing is that I have scoliosis so pre-pregnancy I used to have regularly back aches, especially if I sat or stood up for too long at a time. Well, the last 26 weeks have been a breeze (to say the least) in this department as I have felt zero back pains where I usually would. John jokes that AJ has kicked my spine back into it's normal position. LOL! 

So yes, I'm hoping this isn't a signal to the start of something terrible.. :/
In other news, starting last week I've been working from home every Mondays. Some time in mid late October that will increase to twice a week, and the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy I'll be working from home at least 3 times a week. The arrangement is going well so far. I pray and I pray and I pray that AJ will come on the 25th December! 

Also I've been feeling his kicks much more recently, now that's he's bigger and his strength is growing by the day/week! It's been almost impossible to get a full night's sleep where I don't wake up in the middle of the night either to pee, or to adjust my sleeping position (I tend to lie on my back which is bad for the baby as it allows for him to press against a major artery, cutting short his and my oxygen supply) and I can safely say the same for John. This poor guy.. He periodically wakes up in the middle of the night to push me to my side so I'm not suffocating AJ or myself by lying on my back and as a result, he too, gets interrupted sleep and feels super tired in the mornings. I feel terrible about this but at the same time, I don't want to get a pregnancy pillow that I will only be using for the next 3 or so months.. I'd rather get a few more "regular" pillows to build a fortress around me. 

Anyway I need to get back to my work now - planning to hit the gym later at around 3-4pm (after not having gone for the last 2 weeks due to my cold!) Laters~

Thursday, September 17, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 25 + 4 : USD & Headaches

Took the day off work and went shopping today at Midvalley for a dress for Glady's wedding this Saturday. Ended up with this gorgeous Miss Selfridge strapless khaki dress for RM269! Pricey but looks great.
It is in a size 8 though (I'm normally a size 6 pre pregnancy) so I doubt it'd fit once I lose all the weight post partum :(
Also bought the Sephora contouring kit and liquid pen concealer. Spent quite a fair bit today :-( The only saving grace is perhaps the fact that I changed 450USD into RM to take advantage of the current exchange rate (4.24!!). Banking the rest of the cash in tomorrow.. need to really start saving for Lil sweetie.
Speaking of which, I don't think I'm entitled to shop for more than 2 hours on end these days. Today I got to Midvalley at 12pm and started getting headaches at close to 3pm.. I was walking around the mall without rest though so maybe that's why? Even now at 5:15pm I'm still having a headache however need to meet Prem at Empire Damansara to have a quick chat about what he has to offer. Wonder how that will go!
Back to work tomorrow. I've really been enjoying this past week off.. its been a while since I could take so many consecutive days off work just to chill, relax, rest & recuperate (still sick by the way).
Can't wait for the weekend already!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cardiologist visit

We went for my appointment with Prof Chee Kok Han at UMSC yesterday (at 25+2 weeks) and wasn't too impressed.

First impressions : He had a very condescending nature about him. John would say he was a cynical man.
Some questions that he asked were redundant but felt like he asked them just to show that he's in a higher level of authority than everyone else.
Case in point : He finds out I'm on metformin and asks "Do you even know what metformin is for? Tell me what you think it is for." I was quite taken aback at first, his questions felt intrusive, then right after I gave an answer (based on my research etc) he said "Okay well I'm asking not because I don't know - I just want to know if you know what you are even ingesting."
Uhhh okay.. you just wasted 10 minutes of my time treating me as though I'm a bloody kid. You could've told me right from the start what metformin was about and why you're even talking about metformin when you're a CARDIOLOGIST.

Anywho all this while he was googling metformin and then 20 mins in; he realize he was veering off topic and we finally got back on track - talking about my VSD repair. He sent me to get an echo done and I got the original hardcopy results that costed us RM100! 

The total bill came to a hefty RM480 by the way, and Prof Chee's consultation fee was RM160 compared to RM80 for Prof Valli. Daylight robbery, anyone??

I'm also going to have to find out from HR this Friday if this is something that I can claim from work insurance.  Oh and my passport has finally been endorsed so John and I can book our flight to Bangkok soon for a massive baby clothes haul!! Whee ~

To briefly conclude our experience, everything about UMSC and UMMC has disappointed us for far, except for the convenient in-clinic shuttle van that takes between the two buildings for free. And that's why we've decided not to deliver at UMMC - visiting pantai in a few weeks.

[Pregnancy] Week 25 : Oh the kicks!

Bubs is growing bigger everyday and he is making sure we know that!
His kicks are becoming more prominent and frequent - he even kicks me awake some nights. As much as it breaks my sleep I wouldn't trade it for the world.. I love the feeling of his tumbles and somersaults, it's a constant reminder that he's there. :-)
Complaints this week? so far none other than infrequent dull aches near my lower abdomen due to his stronger movements/kicks and also the fact that I'm still suffering from a cold (runny nose, phlegm, sore throat and mild fever).
No backaches (or any aches for that matter), swollen hands or feet, vomiting, nausea etc.
My parents were here for 2 days and I took them on an office tour, to our fav jap place (senya) and to antipodean. Will be seeing mum again on 4th Dec!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

First breakdown :'(

24+6 weeks

Yesterday at 24 +6 weeks I had my first meltdown. I've been sick since Monday (7 days ago) and I was looking forward to getting better so AJ could feel better.
Yesterday I woke up to a bad throat and congested nose, and I started berating myself. I felt horrible; like the worst mother on planet Earth.
Is it because I didn't rest enough in the week? Is it because I was pushing myself too much? I was given an extra day off by my manager but instead, I went back to work.
I felt an immense amount of guilt towards little sweetie, and for the first time in almost 25 weeks, I broke down into tears.

I was lying in bed, my back towards John. I tried to stifle my sobs so he wouldnt notice I was crying - but the more i tried the worst it got. He noticed something was wrong when i got all quiet and didnt answer his questions. He got up and gave me the biggest hug and reassurance and i immediately felt better. Whether my breakdown was hormonal or otherwise, I've also come to realize that having a supportive and loving partner by your side on the same life journey as you is a true blessing. And last night as we lay in bed, falling asleep, he turned around and told me how blessed he was to have me in his life. And for that, I cannot be any more grateful. It means at least I'm doing something right in this relationship.

Today I strive to fully recover from this bugging illness, whatever it may be. Eating healthy, sleeping right and staying positive. I want to conquer the world for our little boy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


They say that a woman becomes a mother when she is pregnant and a man becomes a father the moment he holds his baby.
I couldn't agree more. The past few years I've been praying to God for more courage, strength and confidence to face the world so I can grow into who I really am, and I have come to the realization that this beautiful precious gift from God growing inside my belly for the past 23 weeks is the answer to my prayers.

I've never felt more like a woman in my life than at this point in time. Being wholly responsible for an entire life other than yours, making sacrifices & putting your foot down on decisions that will directly (or indirectly) affect the health & wellbeing of your growing baby is probably the most difficult tasks in life - one that only mothers can really & truly understand.

I also find it amazing the way a physical life is created - the intricacies of DNA splitting, chromosomal separation all the way to limb buds formation and organ development. It takes 9 months to form a beautiful life made out of the perfect love of 2 adults. I've studied the ins and outs of how life is formed when I undertook a unit of human anatomy and fertilization at Uni but I never fully understood its implications and the reality of it until I experienced it myself at this present moment. Every day, I'm in awe of how life forms from a single cell. 

Anyway, I truly feel like im growing into this pregnancy, I feel more matured and confident and I've never felt so happy about putting on weight! People around me are commenting on how much I'm glowing and every moment and each day I wake up & feel his kicks, I praise God for this miracle inside me. I know I am blessed in so many ways and that this is meant to be. 

From the initial feelings of anxiety, worry and fear to the present waves of happiness & excitement riddled with tears & laughter, I can only be grateful to those around me who have supported and loved me for the past 23 weeks - Especially especially especially John who has been MORE than what any word can correctly describe. He's my constant pillar of strength - a God-sent presence in my life I will always be grateful for.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 22 + 6 : Colostrum

This is weird but strangely exciting.. my colostrum has finally made its first appearance on my shirt!
I'm normal. Yay! I've been so worried if I will ever produce milk because from what I've read I was supposed to have my first leak a couple of weeks ago but it didn't happen. So I've been waiting. Even John was happy for me! He even recorded a video for keeps :|
In malacca now for a weekend getaway. Having a blast this far!

Monday, August 24, 2015

TEC Baby Expo, Shah Alam

[Pregnancy] Week 22: General Tiredness @ Work

[Pregnancy] Week 21: Dr. Valli @ UMMC

Finally met Dr. Valli at UMSC after waiting for a month to.
First impressions : quiet, subdued, soft spoken
Her ultrasound machine was pretty old school, images were very unclear and the scan itself was not as clear as Dr.  Kamaljit's. However she was a nice older lady and told me that I needed to make an appointment to see the heart doctor within the same center- UMSC.
Despite the fact that my VSD repair was done at 2 years old it's always better to take extra precautions to ensure my heart health is fine - especially now that I'm carrying a little one in me and his health & wellbeing is of top priority!
Because we struggled to find the specialist center (Drove to UMMC instead at first - hospital side) we were late to our appointment and had to wait after everyone else before we could see her.
By the end if it we were really tired and decided to tour the hospital another time. Since we will be in malacca this weekend, hospital tours will most likely happen next weekend.
Hospitals we are thinking of touring : UMMC, Prince Court, Pantai
Will be posting hospital tour reviews after that! Stay tuned.

Friday, August 21, 2015

[Pregnancy] Week 21 : Skinny jeans

Yesterday I wore my favourite black skinny jeggings to work (using the rubber band hack, of course) and I felt like I could burst in it.
Definitely need maternity pants in the next few weeks and I'm thinking of perhaps investing in just one black pair since I only have about 3.5 months to go and I wear more dresses and shorts anyway.
Also did some research on newborn essentials so we are equipped with some knowledge when we go to the baby expo @ shah alam tomorrow morning! How exciting.
It's a busy weekend for us - Saturday would see us visiting our gynae at UMMC  (Dr. Valli) followed by hair cut for John then photoshoot for IKEA then dinner with the brothers (John's mates from Melbourne)!
Sunday would see us spending almost the whole afternoon at the baby expo followed by Skype with Lianne and beloved Char.
Can't wait for the weekend to begin and I wish it never ends - I'm starting to dread work more and more.. i feel like my mind just naturally drifts off these days. Not too sure if it's because of my hormones but I feel more lazy as the pregnancy progresses.
Anywho I have to get ready for the gynae visit now - will update later!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Had throbbing sharp upper left abdominal pains yesterday morning that went on for 1.5 hours.
Decided to pop by my gynae for a quick  check up - whilst little bubs is fine and active in my belly, I've developed Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) which explains the throbbing abdominal pain. If left untreated the infection can and will spread to little bubs.
She prescribed me Zinnat 250mg which is a round of antibiotics that's supposed to clear the infection.
This morning I took Zinnat with my daily supplements - Diabetmin & Obimin Plus - and felt queasy almost immediately after for an hour. Bad, bad idea.
Pregnant mummies please remember to empty your bladder frequently and as soon as you feel like going to the bathroom you should (even if it's in the middle of the night) to avoid getting UTI. That's because of our hormonal changes plus the fact that as little bubs grows in size, he/she presses against your bladder preventing the complete emptying of it, thus leaving old urine & bacteria in your bladder allowing it to harvest and spread. 
If you feel any abdominal pains that last beyond a few minutes, please go and see your gynae immediately!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mosquito bites & Sweat

I don't know if it's just me.. or if other pregnant mums out there are experiencing the strange double phenomenon of getting more frequent mosquito bites and possibly overactive sweat ducts (compared to when we were NOT pregnant of course).

I find that I am getting at least one mosquito bite a day (no kidding) and on some weekends I'm getting more. Mostly on my legs though. And also I find that I am sweating more easily these days.. I can be standing and totally immobile in a room without air conditioning and I will be sweating buckets.

I did read an article online anout how  pregnant women have 1.5 to 2 times the amount of blood supply through the course of pregnancy, contributing to the increased amounts of heat dispersed and carried throughout your body which results in more sweat and also a more likely blood feast for the hungry flying creatures. To combat this I've been using a roll-on insect repellant to keep them mozzies away from my legs. It took me so many years to achieve nicer looking legs on my skin (used to have too many scars) and now it's all doomed! #sadface

Anyway I'll do a review later on the insect repellant I'm using and hopefully if any preggy mums out there are experiencing the same issue, then hopefully this will help! 

To combat the increased sweat I intend to buy a mini portable fan to take around with me especially when I'm really feeling the heat and getting uncomfortable!

Off to a triple date dinner now! John has fallen sick so we will most likely come home early so he can rest for work the next day.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

This stuff is so gold I bought an extra 2 tubs for the remainder of my pregnancy. Will do a full review later. However if you are contemplating and/or hesitant about this product, I'd say - BUY IT.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Feelings.. 20th week

Nearing the end of my 20th week and I'm feeling great! So far no complaints about back aches or stretch marks and I really hope the second half of this pregnancy will be smooth sailing!

So my dearest John has fallen sick with a high fever. He's been stressing at work lately which has negatively affected his immunity. Poor baby. I wish I could take away all his sickness but I'm carrying our child and I need to protect the little one. Can't afford to fall sick for the next 4 months at least!

My bump is getting more noticeable now although some colleagues say I hide it very well under flowy tops and breezy dresses.
Well now that I've officially announced it on Facebook I can wear whatever I want to work and not have to worry about what others may suspect/assume/think.

Speaking of which I just had a long time friend message me on FB and was all like "I didn't see any wedding pics on your feed" and I told him I'm not married and he went "wow announcing baby before marriage!" Uhm okay. I get that you carry conventional practices with you in your pocket and probably eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner - but not everyone is like that so try and be a bit more sensitive with your words..

Honestly, and like I told him straight, conventionally speaking you graduate from school, get a job, meet mr/ms right, get married then have kids and then retire and die. Why must I stick to conventions? Why must I follow what the norm dictates for me and for my life?

Nope. I choose to keep the baby and have my wedding ceremony 2 years down the line. I love John. And I know that he loves me. We both care so deeply for each other and want only the best for our baby and his future so that really, is all that matters the most to us.

God has blessed us with a miracle baby - one that wasn't even supposed to be conceived because of my PCOS and that's why we treasure this beautiful gift even more.

As Steve Jobs nicely puts it in his famous quote.. "don't be trapped by dogma..." & I can't agree more. I want this baby and I am going to make sure that I work super hard so he can have a good life.

Daddy & Mummy love you so much AJ.

19th week

Went on a 3D4N trip to Perhentian with 2 of my colleagues.. had a blast!
We tanned, snorkelled, partied (well, not much), bumped into random German travellers who were just too bloody young.. etc.

Got a burnt on my back and ass, and a tan everywhere else. Little AJ was so obedient - and he has been obedient throughout the last 19 weeks, no morning sickness, no puke, no body aches, no pains etc. He only kicks when I'm working in the afternoon or lying down at night - sometimes it seems as though he only works up a fuss when I'm not moving around (i.e sitting at office desk working). I can see how active and cheeky this little monkey is gonna be :)

John is still talking to my belly every morning and night - nowadays he rubs it more and I totally love it. Embracing every moment of pregnancy and motherhood as it is. According to articles online, AJ can now hear sounds. I've been playing classic music from a Spotify playlist, with some EDM too.

What I miss? I miss partying. So much. Sad to say, I do miss alcohol. I bought an absinthe hand cream from The Body Shop over the weekend and that's pretty much the closest I get to alcohol these days. I miss going to raves, concerts, festivals. I miss them all..

John has been the most supportive partner - the best I could ever ask for, for me and for our baby. I know inside me that this is God's plan.

How we found out...and more!

9th May - Saturday
I have been feeling nauseous, tired and just generally lethargic at this point, and my period hasn't arrived in close to 2 months... thought nothing of it initially (because, PCOS) but then I had this aching feeling inside that I might be pregnant.
Took a pregnancy test at night - VOILA! 2 distinct lines.

11th May - Monday
Popped into doctor across the road from work. First ultrasound scan - VOILA! Yes I am indeed carrying a 5 week old foetus. Doctor told me the heartbeat has not developed yet and to go back in about 2-3 weeks to see heartbeat/fetal viability.

Decided to make an appointment with a gynae at Gleneagles Hospital. Dr. Jean Woo was highly raved about online but she is unavailable on the weekends and I really wanted John to be with me too.
Settled for Dr. Andy Low - Terribly gynae. We went there twice - 9th week and 12th week scan.

What is bad about Dr. Andy Low? I have several pointers off the top of my head.
- John couldn't take a photo or video or the ultrasound scan
- His WIFE did most of the relational talking
- Cold as a rock - no emotions - felt like he was obligated to become my Gynae
- Kept pushing for expensive treatments/tests e.g. XXX Triploidy test - 3k!!!

etc etc.
Just the feeling I got from him in general - and John too - from those 2 visits was that he wasn't really passionate about his job, maybe doing it for the money? He kept pushing for all sorts of tests to be taken and I was quite dumbfounded. Didn't really go into details about ANYTHING. Didn't shake our hands to greet us. Didn't tell us more about what to expect, what to avoid eating etc etc.

Then I found out 2 of my colleagues were pregnant too - all 3 of us due in December! And one of them recommended her gynae to me - Dr. Kamaljit Kaur in Jalan Telawi Bangsar.

Dr. Kaur was the complete opposite of Dr. Low, in every aspect. She was nurturing, kind, detailed and best of all, AFFORDABLE. I had 2 blood tests and a scan done with her, plus consultation fees, came round to only 200RM. I am thankful for the introduction by my colleague!